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Have questions? Answers to our most frequently asked questions are below. If you can't find what you are looking for, send us an email at [email protected].

Buyer FAQ

Am I purchasing products from Coda or someone else?

Coda is a marketplace that connects pet parents with sellers or products and services. Coda does not currently sell any products of our own, but you can trust that all products and services listed on the Coda platform are carefully vetted. We only allow sellers on the platform that are high quality, reputable and understand the unique needs of our customers.

What if there is an issue with my order?

If there is an issue with your order, the first step is to use Coda's order chat functionality to resolve the issue with the seller directly. In the rare case that the issue cannot be resolved between buyer & seller, Coda will step in to mediate and find a resolution to the issue.

You can reach out to Coda support directly at any time: [email protected]. We are a small team and will do our best to respond within 36 hours. Thank you for your patience!

How do I let the seller know about my customizations?

For now, we recommend using the order chat functionality to communicate the customizations you need (engravings, images) with the seller of your product. In the future, we plan to release an update to the platform that has fields for customizations as part of the order and checkout process.